
Mehdi Kilani

Rapper Mehdi Kilani was born in 1990 in Homs, Syria. He works in the field of beatmix and hip-hop. His father and uncles were also musicians. Hence, Kilani's interest in music and musical instruments started at an early age. Although the artist did not academically receive any musical education, he says he learned music on the street. Kilani sees rap music as a means of expressing his feelings and thoughts. He came to Istanbul in 2015 and met the music group Debdebe there. He performs with this group from time to time. At the same time, he continues his individual projects.


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This project aims to reveal the effects of migration on the fields of culture and art and has been completed under auspices of İLKE Foundation that has considerably contributed to the society through various projects in different fields it has undertaken over years.

İLKE - Foundation For Science Culture and Education
Aziz Mahmut Hüdayi Mah.
Türbe Kapısı Sok. No: 13 Üsküdar/İSTANBUL

Phone Number: +90 216 532 63 70
Mail: sanatingocu@ilke.org.tr